The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091

Coronavirus Risk Assessments

SAFEcic COVID-19 Risk Assessment Downloads – From June 2020


Basic Principles

  • Risk assessment completed to enable safe working and subject to agreement by all who work at SAFEcic
  • Good ventilation in enclosed working environments is the primary mitigation to reduce the risk of virus transmission
  • Cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures will be complied with at all times and form the basis of safe working
  • Working from home will be enabled and encouraged where feasible
  • 2 Metre distance to be maintained by all staff, visitors and clients, where that is not possible a relevant risk assessment will be undertaken
  • The respective Government ‘Tier’ classification (where relevant) will be the initial starting point for any risk assessment for office based or remote (including face to face) working

Further Guidance