The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091

Are SAFEcic Online Courses available in languages other than English?

All SAFEcic courses are English Language courses, with our International Child Safeguarding course also available in Arabic.

However, there are times when another language can be useful - a recent request was for help with Ukrainian nationals who were being employed in the UK and needed safeguarding training.

There is an alternative which works well with our courses, and helps many people who do not have English as their primary language to access effective Safeguarding training. Although we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation, we have been told it is very effective.

We suggest using the Chrome browser because that is the only one we are aware of which can be set up to translate all pages automatically. Please let know if other browsers can also do this.

To translate all of the text in any of our online courses or web pages. Click the title for screenshots;

1) Open the Chrome browser and log in at

Step 1

Every page you now visit will be automatically translated into the selected language.

To turn it off again, just click the three dots, select "Translate..." and deselect "Always translate English". You may then need to click "English" to de-translate the current page.

SAFEcic online courses also have video clips with the audio in English, and we have quite a number of help videos too. These are hosted on Youtube, which also offers automatically translated subtitles. Again, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these, but they are supposed to be good and should help candidates to understand the course.

The candidate will need to select this on each individual video.

Selecting translated subtitles (closed captions) for video clips:

1) Click Play, pause the video and click on the Settings icon that appears.

Vid Step 1Step 2