The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091


Adults Wales

Legislation Statutory and Good Practice Guidance 


The Welsh Government's Minister for Health and Social Services is responsible overall for safeguarding and protecting children and adults in WalesThe National Independent Safeguarding Board was set up under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Specifically, the National Board has three primary duties. These are:

1. To provide support and advice to Safeguarding Boards with a view to ensuring that they are effective

2. To report on the adequacy and effectiveness of arrangements to safeguard children and adults in Wales

3. To make recommendations to the Welsh Ministers as to how those arrangements could be improved (S.132 (2)).

Regional Safeguarding Boards

To find your local Council Report Child Abuse to Social Care

or dial 999 if an emergency

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) 


All Wales Safeguarding National Procedures app



All Legislation  

Welsh Parliament Legislation

Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018 England and Wales

Domestic Abuse Act 2021

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2020

The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Record Certificates: Relevant Matters) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2020

Coronavirus Act 2020

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2020

The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Record Certificates: Relevant Matters) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2020

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019

Data Protection Act 2018

Public Health (Wales) Act 2017

Digital Economy Act 2017

Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016

Modern Slavery Act 2015

Serious Crime Act 2015

Part 5 of this Act is about Protection of Children etc

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012

Improper administration of medicine –s.67 Medicines Act 1968

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

Mental Health Act 1983 

Compulsory admission to hospital or guardianship for patients not involved in criminal proceedings (Part II).

Family Law Act 1996 (the 1996 Act)

The Protection from Harassment Act 1997

Trustees Act 2000

Includes trustees duty of care

Sex Offender Act 1997 see also 2003

 An Act to require the notification of information to the police by persons who have committed certain sexual offences; to make provision with respect to the commission of certain sexual acts outside the United Kingdom; and for connected purposes.

Human Rights Act 1998

Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

An Act to protect individuals who make certain disclosures of information in the public interest; to allow such individuals to bring action in respect of victimisation; and for connected purposes.

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999

Special measures directions in case of vulnerable and intimidated witnesses

Care Standards Act 2000

Communications Act 2003

Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

An Act to make provision in connection with the protection of children and vulnerable adults.

The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007

The Serious Crime Act (2007) section 44

The Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Care Standards Tribunal (Children’s and Adults’ Barred Lists) (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2008 

Defamation Act 2013


Social Services and Well-being Act 2014 (Wales) 


Gambling Act 2005 

Licensing Act 2003



All Wales Safeguarding National Procedures app

Welsh Government All safeguarding adult guidance


Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018: statutory guidance for NHS organisations in England, and police forces in England and Wales

Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation July 2020

Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation – procedural information 2019

Revised Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales April 2019

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Working Together to Safeguard People Volume I – Introduction and Overview updated 2018

Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice updated 2016

Guidance on Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 March 2015

Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage 2014

Guidance on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 March 2014


Department for Health and Social Care all Regulations and Guidance

Welsh Government All safeguarding children guidance


 CPS So-Called Honour-Based Abuse and Forced Marriage Legal Guidance updated July 2019



DBS filtering guide November 2020

All Wales Safeguarding National Procedures app

Protection of older People in Wales – A guide to the Law 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Prosecution Guidance updated October 17th 2019

Overarching principles of sentencing domestic abuse Definitive Guidelines for England and Wales February 2018

Information and Guidance on domestic abuse: safeguarding older people in Wales 2017

Strategy for dealing with safeguarding issues in charities updated December 2017

DBS guidelines for a criminal record check from October 2nd 2017

CPS statements on Hate Crime 2017

Criminal Exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: County Lines guidance 2018

Whistleblowing: Prescribed persons guidance 2017

FGM safeguarding pathway 2017


Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff August 2018


Female Genital Mutilation Prosecution Guidance updated October 17th 2019


For Health and Social Care

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)

Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016

The Private Dentistry (Wales) Regulations 2017

National Minimum Standards for Independent Health Care Services in Wales 2011

National Minimum Standards for Regulated Child Care 2012 revised 2016

Care Standards Act 2000

Charity Commission

Trustees Act 2000

Charity Commission all Guidance and Regulation
