The Safeguarding Specialists
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Relevant Reports, Research and Useful Information

(Safeguarding Children)

National Case Review Repository

Reports from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

concluding Report October 2022

Which amongst others includes:

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) custodial institutions report about placement in secure children's homes (SCHs).2021

The Anglican Church Investigation Report October 2020

The Roman Catholic Church Case Study: Archdiocese of Birmingham Investigation Report 2019

Children in the care of the Nottinghamshire Councils Investigation Report 2019

Anglican Church Case Studies: Chichester/Peter Ball Investigation Report 2019

Reports from the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Which amongst others includes:

Case Study Findings - Sisters of Nazareth 2019

Case Study Findings - Daughters of Charity 2018

Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (HIA) 1922 – 1995 completed 2017

The Charity Commission’s Inquiry Reports

Which amongst others includes:

Charity Commission's Inquiry Report: Summary Findings and Conclusions Oxfam June 2019

Manchester New Moston Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Inquiry report 2017

Independent Inquiries

The Whyte Review 2022

Scott Farrell Review 2022

Independent Review into Child Sexual Abuse in Football 1970-2005 (The Sheldon Report) 2021

Review on non-recent child sexual abuse at Chelsea Football Club August 2019

AN ABUSE OF FAITH: The Independent Peter Ball Review 2017

The Jimmy Savile Investigation Report: By Dame Janet Smith DBE 2017

The Stuart Hall Investigation Report By Dame Linda Dobbs DBE 2016

Jimmy Savile NHS investigations: lessons learnt report November 2015

Independent investigation into governance arrangements in the paediatric haematology and oncology service at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust following the Myles Bradbury case 2015

Independent Inquiry Report into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 - 2013 Alexis Jay OBE 2014

The Munro Review of Child Protection: Final Report - A child-centred system 2011

The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report Lord Laming 2009

The Bichard Inquiry Report 2004, Following the conviction of Ian Huntley in 2003 of the murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells.

The Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming January 2003



It was hard to escape Safeguarding children at risk from criminal exploitation 2020(Child SafeguardingPractice Review Panel)

Gambling regulation: problem gambling and protecting vulnerable people February 2020

Complexity and challenge: a triennial analysis of Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) 2014-2017 Final report March 2020


Childhood vulnerability in England 2019

Online abuse and the experience of disabled people UK 2019

Skipping School: Invisible Children 2019

HMI Prisons and HMI Probation Report on the management and supervision of men convicted of sexual offences. 2019

Care Inspectorate National overview report in relation to care experienced children and young people in Wales June 2019


Infants: learning from case reviews: Summary of risk factors and learning for improved practice for child and adolescent mental health services 2018

Left to their own devices Young people, social media and mental health Barnardos 2018

A Voice for the Voiceless: The Victims’ Commissioner’s Review into the Provision of Registered Intermediaries for Children and Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses. January 17th 2018


Useful Information

Children: parental responsibility - what is it and how is it gained and lost (England and Wales)