The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091

Quotations: Safeguarding Management Services


Safeguarding Management Servicesmeeting 1181304

Please email us and we will contact you to discuss your requirements and arrange a free quotation.

The effective management of safeguarding is a priority for all organisations but can be difficult to implement due to constraints on time, resources and expertise. SAFEcic offers a comprehensive management service with;

  • named SAFEcic personnel to advise on managing or referring safeguarding concerns or allegations, available during office hours.
  • access to the SAFEcic out of hours phone (in an emergency 999 should be dialled)
  • back up advice and support from the expert SAFEcic multi-agency team by email and phone

NCVO23 109x179Plus the practical tasks of;

tickpolicy writing

tickmaking referrals

tickwriting reports

tickliaising with external agencies

tickattending strategy meetings

tickrisk assessing criminal records information

tickassessing staff safeguarding competencies

tickcarrying out any internal investigations when necessary

tickannual review of all safeguarding policies and procedures

tickupdates when the law changes and impacts upon practice

Contact us for more information on our Safeguarding Management Services and how we can help your organisation fulfil it's statutory and moral safeguarding obligations.