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Care and support statutory guidance updated 12th February 2018

Source: Department of Health and Social Care published on this site Tuesday 13th February 2018 by Jill Powell

This is statutory guidance  to support implementation of part 1 of the Care Act 2014 by local authorities.

To read the guidance and the summary of changes click:

Luton Safeguarding Children Board Report of the Serious Case Review regarding Child J

Source: Luton Safeguarding Children Board published on this site Wednesday 9th August 2017 by Jill Powell

Child J died, aged 13 months, in November 2015. A criminal trial in July 2016 found his mother and her boyfriend guilty of offences connected to Child J's death. The three Safeguarding Children Boards of Luton, Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham, join together in expressing our condolences to all family members for the loss of this little boy. Child J died in Luton, but most of his life had been lived in London., Although the Serious Case Review was commissioned by Luton Safeguarding Children Board, the three safeguarding boards have continuously worked closely together during the production of this report.

As soon as the terribly sad news of Child J's death became known, each of our boards began to review our local ways of working based on what was known at the time about the circumstances leading to Child J's death. Each of our boards therefore has its own programme of actions and assurance in response to particular issues. However two findings in the report are of national significance. Consequently, as chairs of three different safeguarding children boards, we wanted to come together and draw attention to these two issues - they affected Child J but affect many other children across England.

. The first of these is about an important national programme - the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) - and how it works in practice locally when cases are handed over across geographical boundaries. Locally we all value the FNP - a voluntary home visiting programme for first time young mothers, ordinarily aged 19 years or under. A specially trained family nurse visits the young mother regularly, from the early stages of pregnancy until their child is two. When a mother is receiving a service from FNP the family nurse fulfils the role of health visitor. When the mother leaves the FNP programme the expectation is that the mother and child should transfer back to the health visiting service who would provide a level of service based on their assessed needs. However, as we saw in Child J's case, this handover does not always happen.

To read the report click:

Care Act Statutory guidance updated February 2017

Source: GOV.UK published on this site Monday 27th February 2017 by Jill Powell

The changes are:

Chapter 2: Preventing, reducing or delaying needs

Paragraph 2.51

…(also see chapter 6, paras. 6.44 to 6.53, about the whole family approach to assessment)

now reads:

…(also see chapter 6, paras. 6.65 to 6.71, about the whole family approach to assessment)

Paragraph 2.60 changed from:

‘2.60 The regulations require that intermediate care and reablement provided up to 6 weeks, and minor aids and adaptations up to the value of £1,000 must always be provided free of charge (see also 8.14).’


‘2.60 The regulations require that intermediate care and reablement must be provided free of charge for up to 6 weeks, as must aids and minor adaptations (ie. adaptations up to the value of £1,000) (see also 8.14).’

Chapter 6. Assessment and eligibility

Implication of Children and Social Work Act 2017 for Local safeguarding Boards

Source: The Association of Independent LSCB Chairs published on this site Monday 22nd May 2017 by Jill Powell

On April 27th, the Children and Social Work Bill was enacted. 

Clause 30 of the Act states "Abolition of Local Safeguarding Children Boards - Omit sections 13 to 16 of the Children Act 2004 (LSCBs)."

Local Safeguarding Children Boards

                        13.Establishment of LSCBs

                        14.Functions and procedure of LSCBs

                        14A.LSCBs: annual reports

                        14B.Supply of information requested by LSCBs

                        15.Funding of LSCBs

                        15A.Review of LSCBs' performance of functions

                        16.LSCBs: supplementary

The Association of Independent LSCB Chairs have described the Implementation timescale as they currently understand it:

“Draft orders and regulations will be prepared for the minister after the election, and the revised guidance for 'Working Together' (plus anything else if it does not all come as one document) is being prepared in the summer and will be out for 12 week consultation in the autumn. This was expected to be September but is now probably going to be a little later due to the election. The expectation is that local plans will be drawn up and agreed for implementation by no later than April 2019, but that some areas may propose and have agreed new arrangements ahead of this. Further updates will be provided regularly by AILC.”

To read the new act click:

Wood Report: Review of the role and functions of Local Safeguarding Children Boards 2016

Source: published on this site Friday June 3rd 2016

Alan Wood, in his summary says:

“This report sets out a new framework for improving the organisation and delivery of multi-agency arrangements to protect and safeguard children. It contains recommendations for government to consider. These recommendations suggest that appropriate steps should be taken to recast the statutory framework that underpins the model of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs), Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) and Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs). The report argues that on a scale of prescriptive to permissive arrangements, the pendulum has locked itself too close to a belief that we should say how things should be done as opposed to what outcomes we want for children and young people. Taken together, the recommendations I have made propose fundamental reform to the way we do things. “

It’s recommendations are:

Multi-agency arrangements for protecting children

  1. To replace the existing statutory arrangements for LSCBs and introduce a new statutory framework for multi-agency arrangements for child protection.
  2. To require all areas to move towards new multi-agency arrangements for protecting children within a prescribed period. Local areas/regions would need to establish a plan which would describe how services would:

  • meet the new statutory framework;
    § be coordinated;
    § be led by senior officials;
    § be evaluated for their effectiveness;
    § involve a role for independent scrutiny;
    § engage with children and young people; and § be held to account.

The existing legislative framework underpinning LSCBs should cease to operate as new arrangements come into being.

  1. To require the three key agencies, namely health, police and local authorities, in an area they determine, to design multi-agency arrangements for protecting children, underpinned by a requirement to work together on the key strategic issues set out in this report and referenced in recommendation 2.
  2. For new statutory arrangements to require health, local authorities and the police to make clear their leadership responsibility for multi-agency arrangements, to include the identification of a chief officer in each of the agencies to have responsibility and authority for ensuring full collaboration with those statutory arrangements.
  3. For government to provide guidance on:
    1. Drawing up a local proposal to provide strategic multi-agency arrangements to protect children.
    2. The meaning of the terms Child Protection, Safeguarding and Wellbeing, clarifying the part of this spectrum to be covered in multi-agency statutory arrangements.
  4. For government departments (Department of Health, Department for Education, the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Home Office) to provide a clear, joint statement explaining their commitment to multi-agency arrangements and explaining how all local partners will be supported and required to play a full and committed role.
  5. The Department for Education should review what approaches to early cross agency intervention and intelligence gathering to identify children and young people at risk are most effective, including considering whether the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs model offers an effective approach.
  6. NHS(England)should consider how their Accountability and Assurance Framework for safeguarding vulnerable people could be amended to place greater emphasis on how local health agencies fully participate in multi-agency practice.
  7. Keeping Children Safe in Education should be reviewed to ensure it covers child protection and safeguarding issues in respect of unregistered school settings, independent schools and home education. There should also be clearer guidance on the role played by the police and the NHS in that process. Keeping Children Safe in Education should make clear what role, if any, academy chains will carry out in respect of child protection and safeguarding children.

10.The role of schools in providing early help to children and young people should be included in the Department for Education’s review of the role of a local authority in education. This should include the role of the police and health services.

11.To consider whether the statutory guidance in relation to Directors of Children’s Services and Lead Members is necessary in light of the new White Paper and recommendations made by this review.

12.To consider issuing new guidance on the responsibilities of a chief officer nominated by each of health, the police and local government to agree the multi-agency arrangements and processes in an area.

13.The Care Quality Commission, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation should review their inspection frameworks to ensure they focus on child protection practice without being burdensome on service providers. Their inspections should be proportionate and always assess the contribution the agency they inspect makes to successful multi-agency working.

14.There are too many separate inspections of local authority children’s services: this is over burdensome, costly and needs urgent attention. In replacing the Single Inspection Framework (SIF), Ofsted should be encouraged to develop a model that is not burdensome, is unannounced, short in duration (five days), and focuses on the child protection practice. It should identify strengths and areas for development in the local authority.

15.The Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) should not replicate the inspection of the child protection front door. That should be a discrete inspection. The JTAI should concentrate of key themes in the life and experience of children and young people e.g. domestic violence, child sexual abuse, children with a disability, missing children, youth violence, gangs and neglect. In carrying out these thematic inspections the focus would be on the multi-agency approach and the outcomes for children achieved by it.

16.The review of an LSCB as part of the SIF should be discontinued at the earliest possible time.

17.For the Home Office and Departments of Communities and Local Government, Health, and Education to issue joint advice and guidance on the critical importance of effective and speedy sharing of information and data in relation to protecting and safeguarding children. This should focus on the expectation that unless there is specific legal impediment information must be shared.

18.To incentivise all applicants for devolution deals to include in their proposals arrangements for establishing multi-agency arrangements for protecting children.

19.Government departments should review the range of Boards and guidance (e.g. Health and Wellbeing Boards, Local Family Justice Boards, Community Safety Partnerships) with a view to reducing the burden, and therefore cost, on the health agencies, the police, local government and other agencies.

Serious Case Reviews

20.To emphasise in all national guidance that the main purpose of inquiring into an event is to improve the systems we provide to protect children.

21.To discontinue Serious Case Reviews, and to establish an independent body at national level to oversee a new national learning framework for inquiries into child deaths and cases where children have experienced serious harm.

22.For the Department for Education to set out the key tasks for the new body to determine. These should include:

  • the creation of a new national learning framework;
    §the process by which the notification of an event takes place; §the process for establishing a National Serious Case Inquiry (NSCI);
    best practice guidance on delivering a proportionate approach at local level to conduct a Local Learning Inquiries (LLIs);
    • providing new guidance to cover best practice in undertaking
    • single and multi-agency inquiries, including the importance of a rapid response and transparency in publicising how an area has learned for the event and what has changed in local practice; and
    • advising how learning can be reported through existing local accountability structures so as to ensure transparency and promote learning.

23.Once established, the new body to carry out consultation on the introduction of this new model.

24.For the new body to be required to report to the Secretary of State, identifying the lessons for government from learning derived for LLIs and NSCIs.

25.On the creation of the new body, to end the national panel of independent experts on SCRs.

26.To require the new body to be responsible for overseeing a new model for learning from serious events affecting children.

27.To ensure that this model is driven by proportionate LLIs, whose reports should be published and sent to the national body.

28.To ensure the new body has the capacity to commission and or carry out NSCIs.

29.To amend as appropriate the legislative framework to introduce this new model of inquiry.

Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs)

30.That the national sponsor for CDOPs should move from the Department for Education to the Department of Health. It should consider how CDOPs can best be supported and sponsored within the arrangements of the NHS.

31.If the national study recommends the introduction of a national database for CDOPs, the Department of Health should consider expediting its introduction.

32.The Department of Health should determine how CDOPs can be organised on a regional basis with sub-regional structures to promote learning and dissemination. They should also give consideration to the membership of CDOP to ensure appropriate representation from both health and non-medical agencies.

33.In considering a common national standard for high quality serious incident investigations for child death the Health Safety Investigation Branch of the NHS should consider the role CDOPs will play in this process.

34.The Department of Health should consider the role that Health and Wellbeing Boards and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment play in dealing with child deaths and the role of a CDOP.

 To read this report click